Box planning and design: why it matters.
Whether you plan on using a box-builder, constructing from a kit, or want to build your own habitation box, getting the box planning and design stage right will make a huge difference down the line

At a very early stage, many major decisions need to be made that are driven by the internal layout of your habitation box. E.g.
precise locations of doors, windows, and other apertures
structural reinforcements
electrical conduits
internal partition walls
thermal characteristics
These decisions are required whether you are building your own box, ordering a kit, or enlisting a box builder.
Generally, box-builders will not thoroughly evaluate your design for you. An appropriately detailed internal plan and some use-case simulations can ensure that there are no surprises after the box has been built.
Poor planning, or even no planning at all, can mean costly and time-consuming fixes later on. Failing to plan for the positioning of a water tank can mean that the required floor and wall reinforcements are missing when it comes to placement. Sometimes it isn't even possible to rectify those mistakes and you have to learn to live with a sub-optimal design.
How we help
At Fab Habs, We believe the box planning stage is a crucial part of your build because of the impact it has on later phases. To help you design the best habitation box for your vision we apply our engineering skills to support you in making informed decisions.
Our services:
1D analysis of key characteristics - to identify pain points and critical features

functional layouts

visualisation renders - for things like lines of sight or visualising layout options

utilities planning - to pin down where reinforcements are needed

Once you are happy with your layout and box design we share the output with your box builder through:
CAD models and detailed drawings for the build
Handovers and reviews with your box-builders as well as build support to make sure your vision is implemented as we planned

For self-builders, we also help you decide on a construction method, generate cut lists, and support you through the build.
So if you think we can help, get in touch with us below.
Tell us about your project
Embarking on a truck build can be both exciting and daunting.
For a free, no-obligation discussion about your project, just get in touch.